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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

折扣读者牛尔推荐比毛孔还要小的OLAY 洗脸仪 Offer price to our reader : Olay Professional Pro-X Facial Machine

牛尔推荐比毛孔还要小的OLAY 洗脸仪. 原价 RM200.00.

Monique Shine Enterprise (PG0316265-W)提供折扣本部落格读者折扣价 : RM168.00. 只限前3名顾客注名BeautyBiotech.blogspot读者

牛尔推荐比毛孔还要小的OLAY 洗脸仪


  拥有OLAY Pro - X 专业方程式 净透焕肤洁脸仪 = 拥有一张亮丽的脸孔

OLAY Pro - X 专业方程式 净透焕肤洁脸仪




1. 去角质,清洁毛孔,缩小毛孔,减少油性皮肤出油量,去死皮,消痘。
2. 光滑皮肤,淡化细纹和皱纹,令皮肤更显年轻
3. 促进护肤品吸收
4. 使用效果很温和,每天可用两次。
5. 防水,可在浴室使用。
6. 刷毛极其温和,(脆弱,敏感,正常皮肤)都可以使用, 刷毛表面采用无孔设计,不易附着细菌,易清洗,三个月更换一次刷头即可。
7. 需两节AA电池,省电耐用。

【产品详情】OLAY玉兰油Pro-X专业方程式净透焕肤洁面 仪,掀起清洁方式革命,4X专研清洁 柔和清彻。
尖端科技:4大专业设计;双频变速旋转科技;独特双速率调节电动旋转系统,接触面广。 ...

低速(300转/分):4倍深层清洁; 高速(400转/分):帮助温和清除污垢油脂,去除老化角质,光滑细腻,提亮肤色。


全机身防水设计:可在沐浴等多种潮湿环境中使用;可替换轻柔纤维刷头; 上万个细微刷毛,帮助有效彻底清洁和温和去角质。

采用独特Nelon-12材料,具有高韧性,低损耗的特点。 配合Pro-X洁面乳使用:可达到最佳清洁去角质效果。 产品功效: 4x深度清洁:效果4倍于普通清洁方式;媲美200美金专业洁面仪,风靡欧美; 光滑细腻,提亮肤色,令肌肤光鲜亮丽;温和去角质,直击污垢油脂;老化角质;促进后续专业护肤成分渗透,有效放大护肤产品功效;

2. 光滑皮肤,淡化细纹和皱纹,令皮肤更显年轻
3. 促进护肤品吸收
4. 使用效果很温和,每天可用两次。
5. 防水,可在浴室使用。
6. 刷毛极其温和,(脆弱,敏感,正常皮肤)都可以使用, 刷毛表面采用无孔设计,不易附着细菌,易清洗,三个月更换一次 刷头即可。
7. 需两节AA电池,省电耐用。 适用肌肤类型:针对脸部肌肤问题设计;解决肌肤皱纹,细纹,松弛,干燥缺水等等问题;适合各种肌肤日常使用安全不刺激

牛尔推荐比毛孔还要小的OLAY 洗脸仪. 原价 RM200.00.

Monique Shine Enterprise (PG0316265-W)提供折扣本部落格读者折扣价 : RM168.00. 只限注名BeautyBiotech.blogspot读者.存货有限,完为止.

此谢谢Monique Shine Enterprise (PG0316265-W)提供折扣本部落格读者.

Olay Professional Pro-X Facial Machine

Original Price : RM200.00
Please be informed that Monique Shine Enterprise (PG0316265-W) offer our blog reader a discount price at RM168.00 to fisrt 3 customer who stated clearly they are reader of only

Is it time to rethink your daily cleansing routine? Designed by a team of dermatologists along with Olay, the Advanced Cleansing System is as effective as a system sold by skin professionals for nearly $200.* Professionally and clinically designed to cleanse 6 times better, the Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System also sets your skin up for supersonic anti-aging moisturization.

This OLAY cleansing pores facial machine is well known for it's reliability to clean your face thoroughly.


  • 2-speed, rotating system delivers daily deep cleansing and gentle exfoliation
  • Water resistant for use in the shower
  • Soft replaceable brush head gentle on skin
  • Exfoliating cleanser professionally designed to purify and renew skin's texture for refreshed, smooth skin
  • Repeatedly recommended by Taiwan female entertainment TV show : Queen

Original Price : RM200.00
Please be informed that Monique Shine Enterprise (PG0316265-W) offer our blog reader a discount price at RM168.00 to customer who stated clearly they are reader of only, the offer is "while stock last" only.

We hereby thank you Monique Shine Enterprise (PG0316265-W) for giving offer to reader of

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