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Sunday, February 12, 2006

South Korea cosmetic brand and plastic surgery

With the influence of popular South Korea movies TV show. South Korea electrical home appliance, handphone and car has become popular in Malaysia and Asia, so do it cosmetic product.

South Korea LG Group founded in 1947, LG Household & Health Care was the first company in Korea to produce and sell toothpaste, synthetic detergents, and other household supplies and products. The company is currently the leader in the nation's household supplies industry.

In 1959, LG Electronics created the beginnings of Korea's electronics industry by developing the nation's first radio.

In 1984 it expanded into the cosmetics business, and is now developing as a world-class manufacturer of household and health care products.

An attempt by LG's cosmetic division to pentratee Malaysia market fail previously. LG's cosmetic however successfully penetrate Vietnam market. It considered a luxury up market brand in Vietnam.

Another South Korea brand Etude used Song Hye Kyo (宋惠喬) (pic) as it spoke person. This make Etude successfully penetrate counter in Taiwan's department store and Taiwan cosmetic market. Please note that this is different from Japan's Etsu. Etude, however do not have distributor in Malaysia yet.

Other than that, Korea is a country for plastic surgery. It is said that plastic surgery in Korea is about twice as much as it in Japan.If it includes country population comparison, the number of people who have done plastic surgery in Korea is going to be about five to ten times larger than it of the Japanese.

40min. by car from Incheon International Airport, Korea, and go further away by train for 20 min. more, ,you will get Kangnam. I n this district, there is a popular road known as "cosmetic surgery street".

Just like it says, you can see a bunch of plastic surgeons standing next each other on that street. If you go there and just take a look around, plastic surgeons are everywhere.

Why is cosmetic surgeon that popular in Korea?

Japanese women are very attracted to Korean cosmetic surgery on magazines. And as another reason, we can say that Korean boom is sweeping Japan right now.

Actually, some travel companies are now ready to take Japanese women for Korean cosmetic surgeon tours including sight seeing and shopping of course.

Not only Japanese, people from China also has jump on the bandwagon.

Big corporation like Samsung also offer such service on it website.

Malaysia has promoted Penang as a location for plastic surgery. It is still an uphill task to compete with South Korea.

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